下面是英国密室权威Robert Adey发表在Old-Time Detection杂志上的最新密室书单,列举了他个人最喜欢的密室作品。请勿转载。
- J. Sheridan LeFanu, Uncle Silas (1864)
- Israel Zangwill, The Big Bow Mystery (1892)
- Louis Zangwill (“Z. Z.”), A Nineteenth Century Miracle (1897)
- Gaston Leroux, The Mystery of the Yellow Room (1908)
- S. S. Van Dine, The Canary Murder Case (1927)
- Horatio Winslow and Leslie Quirk, Into Thin Air (1928)
- George Limnelius, The Medbury Fort Murder (1929)
- Virgil Marham, The Devil Drives (1932)*
- Jonathan Latimer, Murder in a Madhouse (1934)
- Theodore Roscoe, Murder on the Way! (1935)
- John Dickson Carr, The Hollow Man (1935)
- Wallace Irwin, The Julius Caesar Murder Case (1935)
- Leo Bruce, Case for Three Detectives (1936)
- Ellery Queen, The Door Between (1937)
- Max Afford, The Dead Are Blind (1937)
- Rupert Penny, Policeman’s Evidence (1938)
- Carter Dickson, The Judas Window (1938)
- Clayton Rawson, Death From a Top Hat (1938)
- Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot’s Christmas (1939)
- H. H. Holmes, Nine Times Nine (1940)
- Edmund Crispin, The Case of the Gilded Fly (1944)
- Hake Talbot, Rim of the Pit (1944)
- Joel Townsley Rogers, The Red Right Hand (1945)
- David Duncan, Shade of Time (1946)
- Eric Harding, Pray for the Dawn (1946)
- Christianna Brand, Death of Jezebel (1948)
- Herbert Brean, Wilders Walk Away (1948)
- Alan Green, What a Body! (1949)
- Peter Antony, The Woman in the Wardrobe (1951)
- William F. Temple, The Dangerous Edge (1951)
- Derek Smith, Whistle up the Devil (1953)
- Norman Berrow, Don’t Jump, Mr Boland! (1954)
- Helen McCloy, Mr Splitfoot (1968)
- Peter Dickinson, Poison Oracle (1974)
- John Sladek, Invisible Green (1977)
- Robert Gillespie, The Crossword Mystery (1979)
- Bill Pronzini, Hoodwink (1981)
- Orania Papazoglou, Sweet, Savage Death (1984)
- Nicholas Wilde, Death Knell (1990)
- Reginald Hill, Recalled to Life (1992)
- Peter Lovesey, Bloodhounds (1996)
- Michael David Anthony, Midnight Come (1998)
- Edmund X. DeJesus, The Law of Falling Bodies (2001)
- Luis Fernando Verissimo, Borges and the Eternal Orang-Utan (2004)
- Siobhan Dowd, The London Eye Mystery (2007)
- Christopher Fowler, White Corridor (2007)
- Jim Kelly, Death Wore White (2009)
*注:Robert Adey的原文里没有The Devil Drives,但他在之后的私人通信中说他忘记了这本,所以我也一并列出。
Adey的单子显然比网上形形色色的“密室书单”要高出不止一个档次。这个单子里面只有两本书我从来没有见过,分别是Louis Zangwill(Isarael Zangwill的兄弟)的A Nineteenth Century Miracle,和Eric Harding的Pray for the Dawn。真希望什么时候能搞来看看。